Time Reporting
Employees eligible for overtime must submit a timesheet every two weeks.
Overtime employees report time worked, including any overtime worked, as well as leave benefit time used (if eligible).
Overtime eligible employee categories:
Salaried non-exempt academic professional
Salaried non-exempt civil service
Hourly non-exempt civil service
Academic Hourly
Extra Help
Administrative Graduate Assistant
Graduate Hourly
Undergraduate Student
Time Reporting
More information on Time Reporting

Positive Time Reporting
The State Officials and Employees Ethics Act (SOEEA) mandates that all Academic Professional and Civil Service employees document all hours worked (twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week) while conducting official university business. Overtime eligible employees meet this requirement through submissions of their timesheets. Overtime exempt civil service and academic professional employees must submit the online Positive Time Reporting form.
Please see the University Reporting Policy for the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act (SOEEA) page in System HR Services for further information.
Time spent on university business must be recorded daily to the nearest quarter hour and submitted on a weekly basis (Sunday – Saturday).
Family and Medical Leave (FMLA)
Academic and Civil Service Exempt: Employees report leave usage in increments of one-fourth (15 minutes) of an hour.
Civil Service Non-Exempt: Employees report leave usage in increments of one-tenths (6 minutes) of an hour. Conversion Chart
Extra Help: Employees are not eligible for FMLA benefits.
Vacation/Sick Leave Reporting
Academic: Employees report time in full, ½-day increments. HR must report into the Banner System twice a year.
Academic Vacation/Sick Leave Reporting
Civil Service Exempt: Employees report time in full, ½-day increments each biweekly pay period.
- Web For Employees (Time Sheet Entry application)
- Biweekly Leave Report for Exempt Civil Service Staff
Exempt Civil Service staff are staff whose classifications are considered to be administrative, professional, or executive as defined by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and therefore exempted from overtime compensation. To determine exempt employees or classifications, you can refer to the Salary Plan (pending update).
Exempt staff are required to report benefit usage only using the Vacation Sick Leave application unless otherwise instructed by their unit.
Civil Service Non-Exempt: Employees report time in increments of one-tenth (6 minutes) of an hour each biweekly pay period.
- Web For Employees (Time Sheet Entry application)
- Conversion Chart
Extra Help: Employees are not eligible for Vacation and Sick Leave benefits or FMLA benefits.
Academic Employee Training
Academic Employee Recorded Training: https://mediaspace.illinois.edu/media/t/1_9azwuada
University Leave Policy Information:
Exempt Civil Service Employee Training
Exempt-CS Employee Recorded Training: https://mediaspace.illinois.edu/media/t/1_ckyypo97
University Leave Policy Information:
The Exempt-CS HR User Guide compliments the recorded training for HR unit contacts to utilize the VSL Application for Exempt-CS employees. Due to the length of time the VSL Application has been used for academic employees there is not a recorded training. However, the Academic HR User Guide has been recently updated.
Exempt-CS Recorded HR Training: https://mediaspace.illinois.edu/media/t/1_uhj4ee7r
It is critical for unit HR contacts to understand that Banner/PEALEAV is the system of record for leave accruals and balances. The VSL Application is the tool by which employees report their leave. Therefore, it is imperative that unit HR contacts ensure accruals and balances are updated and maintained in a timely manner at the time of hire, when job record changes are made and during May and August annual reporting.
The following job aids should be used by a unit HR contact when an e-class change occurs or when an employee is transferring between units.
Employee class change and balance conversion within the same unit:
VSL Balance Conversion-AP to CS-Exempt-Within Unit Checklist
VSL Balance Conversion-CS-Exempt to AP-Within Unit Checklist
Employee class change and balance conversion between units:
VSL Balance Conversion-CS-Exempt to AP-Between Units Checklist
VSL Balance Conversion-AP to CS-Exempt Between Units Checklist
Transferring between units within the same e-class:
VSL- Transferring Academic Employees Between Units Checklist
VSL-CS-Transferring Exempt Employees Between Units Checklist
The following calculators may be used to:
1. Figure full reporting year accruals to confirm the VSL record is set up properly
2. Figure partial pay period accruals to ensure PEALEAV accruals are accurate when a new position misses calc and a pay adjustment is processed
3. Figure accruals for a partial reporting year when there is an e-class change
Civil Service Exempt-Partial Pay Period-Partial Year-Leave Accrual Calculator
Academic VSL-Partial Pay Period-Partial Year-Leave Accrual Calculator
University Leave Policy Information:
The following templates should be used by unit HR contacts to communicate information to employees and supervisors related to the VSL Application.
Templates for communicating VSL application information to new employees and supervisors will be forthcoming.
University Leave Policy Information:
Academic Supervisor Recorded Training: https://mediaspace.illinois.edu/media/t/1_cigj6yf1
Academic Supervisor User Guide
Exempt-CS Supervisor Recorded Training: https://mediaspace.illinois.edu/media/t/1_1farvgit
Exempt- CS Supervisor User Guide
University Leave Policy Information: