Bi-Annual Crafts & Trades Postings
The following job titles listed for February and March are for testing purposes only. These positions are not open for hiring, and no applications will be accepted. The testing is conducted to evaluate job roles and their requirements within the Crafts & Trades.
February Job Testing
Assistant Operating Engineer |
Brickmason |
Brickmason Foreman |
Cement Finisher |
Cement Finisher Foreman |
Construction Laborer |
Construction Laborer Foreman |
Construction Laborer Sub-Foreman |
Electrician |
Electrician Foreman |
Elevator Mechanic |
Elevator Mechanic Foreman |
Ironworker |
Ironworker Foreman |
Machinist |
Machinist Foreman |
Machinist Sub-Foreman |
Mill Worker |
Mill Worker Foreman |
Operating Engineer |
Operating Engineer Foreman |
Operative Crane Engineer |
Painter |
Painter Foreman |
Painter Sub-Foreman |
Pipefitter |
Plumber |
Plumber Foreman |
Plumber Sub-Foreman |
Sheet Metal Foreman |
Sheet Metal Sub-Foreman |
Sheet Metal Worker |
Water Station Foreman |
Water Station Operator |
Water Station Sub-Foreman |
Mill Worker |
Painter |
Temperature Control Mechanic |
Temperature Control Mechanic Sub-Foreperson |
Temperature Control Mechanic Foreperson |
Roofer |
Roofer Foreperson |
Carpenter |
Carpenter Sub-Foreperson |
Carpenter Foreperson |
Building Heat/Frost Insulator |
Building Heat/Frost Insulator Foreperson |
Crafts & Trades General Foreperson Electrician |
Electrician |
Electrician Sub-Foreperson |
Electrician Foreperson |
Furniture Restorer |
Furniture Restoration Supervisor |
Instrument Technician |
Laborer-Electrician |
Laborer Electrician Foreperson |
Locksmith |
Locksmith Sub-Foreperson |
Locksmith Foreperson |
Pipefitter (Refrigeration Mechanic) |
Pipefitter (Refrigeration Mechanic) Sub-Foreperson |
Pipefitter (Refrigeration Mechanic) Foreperson |
Steam and Power Plant I |
Steam and Power Plant II |
Steam and Power Plant III |
Steam and Power Plant IV |
Steam and Power Plant V |
Supervisor of Building Craftsmen |