Building Maintenance Closure

The Illinois Human Resources office at 52 E Gregory Dr, Champaign, IL 61820, is currently closed for maintenance. For assistance, please contact the IHR Main Office


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Employees – Illinois Human Resources

Benefits & Discounts

Benefits & Discounts

Visit the comprehensive benefits website, where you can access the campus holiday schedule, tuition waivers, workplace flexibility information, i-card perks, and the highlighted benefits document.

Visit the comprehensive benefits website, where you can access the campus holiday schedule, tuition waivers, workplace flexibility information, i-card perks, and the highlighted benefits document.

Learning & Growth

Learning & Development

Explore professional development opportunities, access training resources, obtain well-being information, and discover the support available for employees and their families.

Internet Icon

My Information (My UI Info)

My UI Info is your secure portal for viewing and updating personal and employment information, covering your employment profile, pay, benefits, time reporting, tuition waivers process, W-2 forms, and more.

Why Work at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign?

We believe in fostering not just careers but dreams. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a rising star, our commitment to excellence and inclusivity creates an environment where you can truly thrive.

What’s New?

A canopy of winter snow blankets the campus at the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana. Altgeld Hall. Alma Mater


Updated Date: Urbana Instructions for BOT Approval

Please review the newly posted BOT deadlines document. Due to the July meeting’s now earlier date, the deadline to submit to is now August 20, 2024.

Aerial shot of the University of Illinois campus.

News & Updates

FY24 Key Accomplishments

Illinois Human Resources (IHR) is committed to achieving operational excellence by transforming its services and strengthening partnerships. To explore IHR’s FY24 key accomplishments, organized by strategic focus areas, click here.

Teaching. Research. Service

News & Updates

2024 Faculty/Staff Emergency Fund Drive

The Faculty and Staff Emergency Fund is a fund conceived by caring faculty and staff for the sole purpose of assisting other faculty and staff in times of financial crises. To learn more and donate visit the page below.



Illinois Human Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

What is and why would I visit the "My UI Info" website?

Visit My UI Info to securely view and updating personal and employment information, including your employment profile, pay, benefits, time reporting, tuition waivers process, W-2 forms, and more.

My UI Info – System Human Resource Services

How do I modify my job application?

If you need to modify your application and/or attachments, visit your profile page and withdraw your original application by selecting the dropdown at the end of the job submission line, provided the vacancy is still posted. Once you’ve withdrawn your application, you can reapply by clicking the “Reapply” button. If the vacancy is no longer listed on the job board, and you withdraw your application, you will only be able to reapply when the vacancy is reposted. Please note that only your resume will be saved, all other data will need to be re-entered. Your initial submission will be disregarded, and failure to reapply will exclude you from the candidate pool.

My UI Info – System Human Resource Services

What is the process for scoring a job application?

The steps in the application process are as follows: you submit your application, your credentials are then scored, and once you receive a score, your application, credentials, and score are forwarded to the department for review. According to the Civil Service Rules, the top 3 scores are guaranteed an interview. If you are selected as a candidate, the department will contact you via email or phone call at that stage.

How do I reset my password (for NetID)?

Forgot your Net ID password? No worries! You can easily reset it using our internal password reset tool. Just visit the following URL:

Internal Password Reset Tool.

How can I get help writing my resume or preparing for an interview?

Yes, Illinois Human Resources offers both mock interviews and resume writing workshops. If you need help fine tuning your resume or want to brush up on your interviewing skills be sure to sign up for one of these workshops.


How do I receive university job posting notifications?

By subscribing to the Jobs Listserv, you will receive daily notifications of available positions across campus in all job categories. All subscriptions to this listserv are confidential, and your name will not appear in the email heading.

Subscribe here

Do I need reference letters when I apply for a job?

Once you apply to a vacancy that requires reference letters the department will reach out to you directly if and when they are needed.

Where do I find my payroll information?

You should contact your unit’s HR. If they have a listed last paid date, HR will guide you to verify your direct deposit information in My UI Info and then instruct you to get in touch with the payroll department.