Supporting Our University Community
Employees are the most vital resource of this university. A financial crisis can happen at any time to any person. Long-term and terminal illnesses, death of a family member, substance abuse, and family breakups can and do create financial hardships, which can affect work performance. At such times, emergency funding, administered in a confidential manner, enables recipients to weather a financial hardship.
Faculty/Staff Emergency Fund
The Faculty/Staff Emergency Fund (FSEF) was conceived by concerned faculty and staff for the sole purpose of financially assisting other faculty and staff in times of crisis. The FSEF Committee is a volunteer group. It is supported by the Chancellor and coordinates the development, promotion, and fund-raising for the emergency fund. Faculty/Staff Emergency Fund brochure.
- Must be a current staff employee, academic professional employee, or faculty member.
- Must have a permanent position with the University (i.e., academic hourly and extra help employees not eligible).
- At least 6 months of continuous regular employment at the University
- Be employed on at least a 50%-time basis at the University.
- Have a temporary financial hardship because of an emergency situation.
- Have considered other possible resources which were not available or are not sufficient to meet the employee’s financial need.
- Employees do not have to contribute to the fund in order to benefit.
Application Process
All applicants are directed to Faculty/Staff Assistance and Well-Being Services. The FSAWS Counselors review each situation, pursue all relevant campus and community resources, and forward cases that meet eligibility requirements to a Chancellor-appointed Executive Committee of three, whose identity is known only to the Chancellor and FSAWS staff. The Executive Committee notifies the FSAWS staff of its decision. When the committee recommends a grant, the FSAWS staff instructs the Illinois Human Resources Business Office to distribute the grant.
Make a Donation
Click here for a safe and easy way to give online.
This fund is in the “University Priorities” drop down.
Acts of Kindness
FSAWS has been helping employees and their families during the holiday season for the last 15 plus years. As we look to be more inclusive and provide ongoing support, we are now expanding the program to offer opportunities for departments to help individuals and families throughout the year. Applicants can be identified through the Faculty/Staff Emergency Fund, employee families that have accessed FSAWS services, or through a department that has identified an employee in need. There will be four opportunities for a department to provide support and here are a few ideas.
Spring Forward
Spring can bring new life to an employee in need. Departments could provide food or gas cards to someone going through a medical crisis. Many families struggle with summer coverage for childcare/camp participation. A department may support a family through a donation for childcare or sending a child to camp.
Summer Break
Although it is summer, school is around the corner. School supplies and the cost of children returning to school can be challenging. Departments can offer to gather school supplies for children or offer gift cards to purchase supplies. Some employees may be weathering a lay off period in the summer, have unexpected expenses, and could benefit from financial support.
Fall Harvest
Thanksgiving is an opportunity to show all employees and families a giving spirit, in the best way…food! Departments have an opportunity to purchase food items and baskets for employees and families in need.
Winter Warmth
Winter can be a challenging time for all. Departments could support an individual, couple or family in many ways with winter clothing, food delivery and donations to support during the holiday season.