When departing the university, employees must adhere to specific processes tailored to their individual circumstances. Whether an employee is leaving due to the conclusion of their appointment, resignation, or retirement, it is crucial to follow the designated procedures. For those eligible for retirement or benefit- or leave-eligible, there are additional considerations. Information pertaining to the exit process and employee resources is provided upon departure; employees can access these resources by clicking on the “Exit Process.”
Furthermore, for unit-specific procedures and relevant details, refer to the information outlined below. In preparation for departure, we encourage employees to communicate their last day of employment and specify whether they are resigning or retiring by providing written notice to their department at the University of Illinois.
Exit Processes
When leaving the university it takes approximately 6 – 8 weeks for all processes to be completed. Please contact your employing unit for additional questions. Below are some links that you may find helpful.
Employee Separation and Exit Form - To be completed and returned to the employee's department (For Graduate Assistants (all titles), Graduate Hourly, Academic Hourly, and Extra Help Employees).
Employee Separation and Exit Form - To be completed and returned to the employee's department (For Faculty, Postdoctoral Research Associates, Academic Professional, and Civil Service Employees).
Benefits Service Center - Information on COBRA or tax-sheltering separation payouts.
State University Retirement System Refund Fact Sheet - General information concerning contributions an employee may have made to the State Universities Retirement System (SURS). Contact SURS for additional information.
Unemployment Info Pamphlet - Illinois Department of Employment Security for Unemployment Insurance Information
As soon as you are thinking of retiring, you need to contact SURS. SURS will meet with you and discuss all of your options. Once you have talked with SURS and have signed your retirement papers, you will need to contact your department. Your department will need a completed and signed Employee Separation and Exit Form from you.
Guide to Benefits and Services for Retirees
Retirement - Information about the University of Illinois' comprehensive retirement package
State Universities Annuitants Association (SUAA) - Organization that advocates on behalf of all faculty and staff of public universities and community colleges
State Universities Retirement System (SURS) - Retirement planning information
If you are planning on resigning your position from the University of Illinois, we ask that you contact your department and give them notice. You will need to put in writing your last day and reason for separating from the university. You will need to complete and sign the Employee Separation and Exit Form and return the form to your supervisor/unit HR.
Employee Separation and Exit Form - For Faculty, Postdoctoral Research Associates, Academic Professional, and Civil Service Employees
Employee Separation and Exit Form - For Graduate Assistants (all titles), Graduate Hourly, Academic Hourly, and Extra Help Employees)
Once you have decided to resign, you can contact the State Universities Retirement System (SURS) if you wish to discuss receiving a separation refund for the SURS contributions you made while employed. SURS can be reached at 1-800-ASK-SURS or 378-8800 in the Champaign-Urbana area.
Unit Procedures
Information and Procedures for Employees Leaving
If an employee is considering retiring from the University of Illinois, he/she will need to contact the State Universities Retirement System (SURS). SURS will meet with the employee and discuss all of the employee’s options. Once the employee has talked with SURS and signed retirement papers, he/she will need to contact their department. The department will need a signed statement indicating the employee’s last day of work.
Please follow these procedures when an employee is leaving the University for the following groups:
- Faculty
- Academic Professionals
- Graduate Assistants (including TA’s, RA’s, GA’s, and Pre-Professionals)
- Academic Hourlies and Grad Hourlies
- Unpaid Academics
- Civil Service
When an employee informs their Home Unit of their departure from the University of Illinois, whether through resignation or retirement, the unit must have the departing employee fill out the relevant Employee Separation and Exit Form. For faculty, postdoctoral research associates, academic professionals, and civil service employees, there’s a specific form (PDF), while graduate assistants, graduate hourly, academic hourly, and extra help employees have their own form (PDF). Units should ensure that fully separating employees in the mentioned categories review and sign the form, returning it to the Home Unit. A copy of the signed form must be given to the employee, and the original should be placed in the unit personnel file. For graduate assistants, hourly employees, and extra help staff, a copy of the signed form may be attached to the HRFE Separation transaction instead of a resignation letter.
Each separating employee should be provided with the following:
- SURS Refund Fact Sheet
- Unemployment Information Pamphlet (If this Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) document is not given to the exiting employee, the University will not be in compliance with Illinois laws.)
- For W-2 Address Change information click here
- Write for Resignation
Employees who have Contributed to SURS
If an employee has been making State Universities Retirement System (SURS) contributions, the unit should be familiar with the resources below. The unit may verify SURS participation in the HR Front End via the “Employee Data” tab.
Exit Process (see above for a resource for employees)
Processing the Transaction to Separate the Employee
The Exiting Employee’s Home Unit should initiate a Separation transaction in the HR Front End (HRFE), indicating the Separation reason and the dates in which all jobs are to be ended. At that time, the Home Unit should also attach the employee’s Resignation letter to the transaction (if applicable).
Once the employee’s last regularly scheduled paycheck has been CALC’d and the HRFE transaction has been applied by Illinois HR, the Home Unit should return to the same HRFE transaction and complete the “Separation” tab of the transaction, which indicates whether or not a payout of Vacation or Compensable Sick Leave is due to the employee.
The preceding instruction doesn’t apply to Extra Help, 9/9 Grads, Academic Hourlies, Grad Hourlies, Unpaid Academics, and 9/9 or <9mo Academics who are SURS ineligible and have no payable balances in PEALEAV.
- Separation Transactions in the HR Front End for Academic Employees
- Separation Transactions in the HR Front End for Civil Service Employees PDF
- Procedures for Deceased Employees
Death of an Employee
Upon the death of an employee, there are procedures that the Home Unit, Illinois Human Resources, and University Payroll and Benefits must follow in order to process the separation and payout of any compensable leave and regular pay due the employee.